Five myths about Travel Agents
I was doing a little research today for a potential client trip and I came across this link to an article from just under 5 years ago. The article is titled Five Myths about Travel Agents. Click this link to read the USA Today article. I found it to be an informative read.

This article puts into words the things that Jo’El and I try to convey to all our family and friends about travel and travel agents. It answers a few of the stigmas that I know are out there and that people think when they hear that we are travel agents.
I agree wholeheartedly that anyone with a computer and a credit card can book a vacation. The problem is when there is a problem. Who do you call? Have you found yourself in that boat? As travel professionals, we know WHO to call when there is a problem. We have contacts within the provider companies that you do not have access to.
That is what you are paying for when using a travel agent. And yes, some agents charge surcharges for booking, but in 99% of the situations, we do not. I have said it before and will continue to say it until I leave this earth. We are paid by money that YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID to someone else when you booked your own vacation, simply said.
On another note, did you know that you can book your own cruise and then transfer it to us to manage it for you? That’s right and there is no cost to you to do it. So, find your best price on that cruise, book it yourself and then contact us to transfer management of it to us at no charge. Why not try it sometime? Have a wonderful day, have a momentous week and happy traveling!
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I think you made a good point that travel agents know who to call when there’s an emergency. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in an emergency somewhere foreign with no one to help me during my travel. Therefore, I think it’s good to pay a travel agent just to avoid these kind of situations from ruining our mood on a vacation.
Hi..really useful tips u shared..thanks! Amazing tips, thanks so much for writing this!
The information you published here is very nice. Thanks for sharing such a great post about five myths about travel agents.